Kathleen M. Glynn is a 2005 graduate of the University of California, Berkeley School of Law (Boalt Hall). At Boalt, Katie was a part of the International Human Rights Clinic and interned with the Catholic Legal Immigration Network, Inc. (CLINIC). Her research and writing with CLINIC on the regulations governing immigration detention was published in Bender's Immigration Bulletin. Katie was also a student researcher and author on a report published by the U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom addressing the detention of asylum-seekers. In 1995, Katie graduated cum laude from the University of Notre Dame with a bachelor's degree in Economics and Theology.
Katie’s practice includes immigration law and the representation of immigrant children and their caregivers in Colorado state guardianship, parental responsibilities (custody), and adoption proceedings. Her areas of expertise include: Special Immigrant Juvenile Status, removal (deportation) defense of unaccompanied children, children’s asylum claims, citizenship claims, and the intersection of immigration law and adoption. Katie lectures frequently on representing immigrant children before the immigration tribunals and on obtaining Special Immigrant Juvenile Status orders from the Colorado state courts. Katie also serves as litigation support in the area of Special Immigrant Juvenile Status for the Colorado Office of the Child’s Representative (OCR).
Prior to joining Grob & Eirich, LLC, Katie was the Equal Justice Works Fellow and Managing Attorney of the Children's Program at the Rocky Mountain Immigrant Advocacy Network (RMIAN). During her time at RMIAN, Katie worked with Colorado’s county Departments of Human Services to provide immigration-related legal services to children and families involved with the child welfare system. Katie continues to support RMIAN as a pro bono lawyer and mentor to other pro bono lawyers.
In 2015, Katie, along with many other advocates and attorneys, was named a Michael Maggio Pro Bono Honoree by the American Immigration Lawyers Association (AILA) for her participation in the AILA Artesia Project, which sought the release of immigrant families detained in Artesia, New Mexico. In 2019, Katie participated in the drafting, and testified for the passage, of Colorado HB19-1042, “Concerning Expanding the Jurisdiction of the Courts for Certain Vulnerable Youth,” which allows for expanded Colorado state court jurisdiction over immigrant youth up to age 21 years who are seeking Special Immigrant Juvenile Status orders. In 2022-23, Katie returned to school to teach Legal Writing and to co-teach Refugee and Asylum Law as an Adjunct Faculty member at the University of Colorado Law School.
Katie is fluent in Spanish and was admitted to the Colorado Bar in 2007 and the US District Court, District of Colorado Bar in 2008. She is a member of the American Immigration Lawyers Association (AILA), the National Lawyers Guild’s National Immigration Project, the Colorado Bar Association, and the Colorado Women’s Bar Association.
Areas Of Practice
- Immigration Law, in all areas related to children’s immigration issues
- Adoption, including custodial adoptions, kinship adoptions, step-parent adoptions
- International adoption finalizations, and validation of foreign adoptions
- Allocation of Parental Responsibilities
- Guardianship of Minors
Bar Admissions
- Colorado, 2007
- U.S. District Court District of Colorado, 2008
- University of California, Berkeley, School of Law, Berkeley, California
- J.D. - 2005
- University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, Indiana
- B.A. - 1995
- Major: Economics
- Major: Theology
Published Works
- Rex Chen, Kathleen Glynn, Kristen Jackson, and Helen Lawrence, PRACTICE ADVISORY: STRATEGIES FOR OBTAINING TERMINATION OF REMOVAL PROCEEDINGS FOR CHILD CLIENTS, Vera Institute (January 2015).
- Kathleen Glynn and Kristin Petri, Special Immigrant Juvenile Status, in Immigration Law for the Colorado Practitioner 28-1 ( Nancy B. Elkind et al. eds., 2019).
- Kathleen Glynn, Immigration Issues in Juvenile Matters, in Colorado Juvenile Defense Manual (Diana Richett, 2013).
- Panelist, ABA Legal Summit of the Americas, “Immigration Panel” (August 2023).
- Adjunct Faculty, University of Colorado Boulder, Colorado Law, Refugee & Asylum Law (co-teacher, spring semester 2023).
- Faculty, Colorado Bar Association CLE: Immigration Law 2022, “Special Immigrant Juvenile Status,” with Kacie Mulhern (September 2022).
- Faculty, 2022 AILA Paralegals Virtual Conference, American Immigration Lawyers Association, “Special Immigrant Juvenile Status,” with Ana Ferreira and Ashley Barkoudah (August 2022).
- Presenter, Domestic Relations and Probate Institute, “Colorado Law and Practice Regarding Immigrant Youth and Special Immigrant Juvenile Status,” with Kacie Mulhern and Ashley Harrington (June 2022).
- Adjunct Faculty, University of Colorado Boulder, Colorado Law, Legal Writing I (fall semester 2022).
- Attorney Training, Rocky Mountain Immigrant Advocacy Network (RMIAN) and Colorado Lawyers Committee (CLC), “Representing Abused, Abandoned, and Neglected Immigrant Children in State Court: Special Immigrant Juvenile Status (SIJS) Predicate Order,” with Kacie Mulhern of the Rocky Mountain Children’s Law Center and Alyssa Telander of RMIAN’s Children’s Program (August & September 2021).
- Faculty, Colorado Bar Association CLE: Immigration Law 2020 – Representing Children, Families, and Detained Individuals, “Special Immigrant Juvenile Status: A Pathway to Protections for Abused, Neglected, and Abandoned Children,” with Ashley Harrington (October 2020).
- Faculty, Colorado Bar Association CLE: Immigration Law 2019 – Representing Children, Families, and Detained Individuals, “Special Immigrant Juvenile Status: A Pathway to Protections for Abused, Neglected, and Abandoned Children,” with Ashley Harrington (October 2019).
- Presenter, Colorado Chapter of AILA, “Special Immigrant Juvenile Status Updates” (July 2019).
- Faculty, Federal Bar Association Immigration Law Conference, “SIJ Updates and Practice Pointers” (May 2019).
- Presenter, Denver Bar Association Young Lawyers Division Coffee Talk, “Special Immigrant Juvenile Status in Colorado and HB19-1042” (April 2019).
- Presenter, Domestic Relations Judicial Institute, “Special Immigrant Juvenile Status,” with Tim Eirich, Ashley Harrington, and the Honorable Judge Woods (June 2017).
- Faculty, Colorado Bar Association CLE: Representing Immigrants in a New Era of Immigration Enforcement, “Special Immigrant Juvenile Status,” with Ashley Harrington (September 2017).
- Attorney Training: Colorado Lawyers Committee, Colorado Bar Association, Center for Gender & Refugee Studies, Rocky Mountain Immigrant Advocacy Network: Children’s Asylum Law and Special Immigrant Juvenile Status, “Special Immigrant Juvenile Status,” with Ashley Harrington (February 2017).
- Presenter, Capitol Hill Urban Ministry (CHUM) Clergy/Agency Director’s Monthly Gathering, “Who is my neighbor?,” a discussion around the issues of immigration and the sanctuary movement (March 2017).
- Faculty, American Immigration Lawyers Association (AILA) Colorado Chapter CLE: Managing the First 100 Days, “Family Preparedness,” with Bridget McCann (April 2017).
- Presenter, Convening on Children, Youth, and Families: “Special Immigrant Juvenile Status,” with Tim Eirich and Ashley Harrington (April 2017).
- Faculty, Federal Bar Association Annual Immigration Law Conference, “Special Immigrant Juveniles: Basics of application, procedures, and recent trends,” with Christine Lockhart Poarch, Nickole Miller, and Elizabeth Dallam (May 2017).
- Faculty, Federal Bar Association Annual Immigration Law Conference, “Special Immigrant Juveniles: Advanced procedures and hot topics,” with Christine Lockhart Poarch and Emily Creighton (May 2017).
- Faculty, Colorado Bar Association CLE: Immigration Law 2016, “Special Immigrant Juvenile Status,” with Ashley Harrington (September 2016).
- Presenter, University of Denver Sturm College of Law Child Advocacy Clinic, “Immigration Law and its Intersection with Child Welfare Law” (April 2016).
- Faculty, 2016 Convening on Children, Youth and Families, “Special Immigrant Juvenile Status,” with Tim Eirich and Abbie Johnson (April 2016).
- Attorney Trainer, Colorado Lawyers Committee, Brownstein Hyatt Farber Schreck, Rocky Mountain Immigrant Advocacy Network, “Legal Training: Special Immigrant Juvenile Status,” with Ashley Harrington (March 2016).
- Discussion Leader, 4th Annual Rocky Mountain Fall Conference, “Immigration Law with Altitude,” sponsored by the AILA Colorado Chapter, “On the Run: UAC & SIJS/Family Detention/Asylum Update” (October 2015).
- Faculty, Colorado Bar Association CLE: Immigration Law: Asylum and other Humanitarian Relief, “Special Immigrant Juvenile Status” (September 2015).
- Presenter, IAN webinar, with Kristen Jackson, Helen Lawrence and Rex Chen, introducing and explaining their Practice Advisory, “Strategies for Suppressing Evidence and Terminating Removal Proceedings for Child Clients.” The webinar was produced for the Vera Institute of Justice’s Unaccompanied Children Program. (June 2015).
- Faculty, 2015 Domestic Relations Best Practice Court Institute for Judges, Magistrates, Family Court Facilitators and Sherlocks, “Special Immigrant Juvenile Status: A Pathway to Citizenship for Court-Involved Immigrant Children” with Tim Eirich and the Honorable Judge Woods (June 2015).
- Faculty, Colorado Bar Association CLE: Immigration Law, “Representing the Most Vulnerable: Unaccompanied Children before the Immigration Court” (September 2014).
- Presenter, Colorado Convening on Children, Youth, and Families, “The Intersection of Colorado State Child Welfare Law and Federal Immigration Law” with Abbie Johnson (April 2015).
- Presenter, Immigrant Legal Resource Center, “Strategies for Suppressing Evidence and Terminating Removal Proceedings for Child Clients” with Kristen Jackson, Helen Lawrence and Rex Chen (May 2015).
- Faculty, Colorado Chapter of the American Immigration Lawyers Association (AILA) CLE: Asylum Law, “Children & Asylum” (November 2013).
- Faculty, Kempe Center, 8th Annual National Differential Response Conference: Differential Response: A Catalyst for Change, “Working with Immigrant Children and Families in Differential Response” (October 2013).
- Faculty, Colorado Juvenile Defender Coalition: Colorado Juvenile Defender Annual Conference, “Working with Non-Citizen Youth in Delinquency Proceedings: Pathways & Obstacles to Obtaining Immigration Status” (October 2013).
- Faculty, Office of the Child’s Representative: Webinar, “Immigration Issues for Court-Involved Youth and Families” (October 2013).
- Faculty, Office of the Colorado State Public Defender CLE: “Working with Non-Citizen Youth in Delinquency Proceedings: Pathways & Obstacles to Obtaining Immigration Status” (September 2013).
- Faculty, Colorado County Attorneys Association: Annual Conference, “Working with Non-Citizen Youth and Families: Pathways & Obstacles to Obtaining Immigration Status” (June 2013).
- Presenter, Adams County Human Services Department: 1st Annual Child Welfare Conference, Strengthening Families and Communities, “Working with Immigrant Children & Families: Obstacles & Opportunities on the Path to Lawful Status in the United States” (May 2013).
- Faculty, Colorado Bar Association CLE: Juvenile Law, “Special Immigrant Juvenile Status (SIJS): A Pathway to Citizenship for Court Involved Youth” (April 2013).
- Guest Lecturer: University of Denver, Sturm College of Law, Advanced Immigration Issues (March 2013).
- Attorney training: Faegre Baker Daniels, Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program (March 2013). .
- Guest Lecturer: University of Denver, Sturm College of Law, Child Advocacy Clinic (February 2013).
- Guest Lecturer: Westwood College Criminal Justice Courses (January 2013).
- Training: Denver County Department of Human Services(November 2012).
- Training: Larimer County Department of Human Services (October 2012).
- CLE Faculty: 2012 Children’s Justice Conference(June 2012, Laramie, Wyoming).
- Colorado Bar Association CLE Faculty: Immigration Law Boot Camp: Effectively Representing Non-citizens in Immigration Proceedings, “Representing Children in Immigration Proceedings” (May 2012).
- Colorado Bar Association CLE Faculty: U Visas for Immigrant Victims of Crime: The Nuts & Bolts of U Visa Eligibility & Procedure (September 2011).
- Colorado Bar Association CLE Faculty: Practicing Immigration Law in the Absence of Comprehensive Immigration Reform, presented on legal research and writing in the area of immigration law (April 2011) .
Professional Associations and Memberships
- American Immigration Lawyers Association (AILA)
- National Immigration Project of the National Lawyers Guild
- Colorado Bar Association
- Colorado Women’s Bar Association
Honors and Awards
- 5280 Top Lawyer Award, Immigration Law, 2023, 2022, 2021
- Michael Maggio Pro Bono Honoree, American Immigration Lawyers Association (AILA), 2015
Past Employment Positions
- Rocky Mountain Immigrant Advocacy Network (RMIAN), Managing Attorney, 2013 to 2014
- Rocky Mountain Immigrant Advocacy Network (RMIAN), Equal Justice Works Fellow, 2012 to 2014
- Rocky Mountain Immigrant Advocacy Network (RMIAN), Staff Attorney, Children’s Program , 2011 to 2012
- The Large Law Firm LLC, Associate Attorney, 2010 to 2011
- Rocky Mountain Immigrant Advocacy Network (RMIAN), Staff Attorney, Children’s Program , 2008 to 2010
Pro Bono Activities
- Rocky Mountain Immigrant Advocacy Network (RMIAN) Pro Bono Attorney, 2007 to Present
- Metro Volunteer Lawyers Mentor, 2022 to Present
- Spanish